
Automating InDesign since 2009

Products › InGutter

Automatically create, customize and manage rules between text columns.

Getting Started with InGutter 2 for InDesign CS4-CC [UPDATE]

InGutter 2 (script for InDesign CS4/CS5/CS6/CC)

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InGutter | Inset Spacing, Gutter and Global Width

InGutter users often ask the following question: “When the script creates inner rules it also creates an inset around the whole frame. But my layout needs to go the full width of the text frame. How could I prevent InGutter from adding unwanted left and right inset?” The short answer is: you can't! OK, so can we deal with that constraint?

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InGutter Howtos | 7 Essential Tips

Download “InGutter Howtos” (interactive PDF)

This file is outdated. Discover the new version of the script from the InGutter's Main Page.

InGutter | Script Available for Beta Test

InGutter gives the user the ability to effortlessly create, design and manage a set of rules between text columns in InDesign CS3/CS4. This free JS script implements and extends the technique explored in Indiscripts a few weeks ago. Try the beta version, and tell me.

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