Space Invaders Game in InDesign!
November 14, 2012 | Extras | en | fr
Philipp Geuder, interface-design student at University of Applied Science in Potsdam, has created an amazing Layout Invaders script for the workshop Typography and Automation by Fabian Morón Zirfas. “The goal was to learn the basics of JavaScript for Adobe applications to apply this in automated layouts and generative art. Bring raw text into shape by rules.” The website features a number of very creative scripts. The most spectacular is undoubtedly Layout Invaders, as shown in this video:
“I set out to create a game to be played inside InDesign, Philipp says. After some fiddling around, googling and reading all I could find about the capabilities of InDesign scripting language, I had a functioning gameloop and working keyboard input. And about two weeks later, Layout Invaders was playable.” Congrats! This project really pushes the boundaries of imagination. Now give it a try, you will be overwhelmed!
• Layout Invaders for InDesign CS5/CS6
• See also: Typography and Automation Homepage
Ouh lala ! ça nous rajeunit pas !
là je suis juste sur le c…
Says fonts not loaded but they are. Does it require special versions of Comic Sans and Helvetica?
I am also having problems with having it being displayed correctly. I downloaded source sans pro and the chip font. However, I am using the system helvetica.dfont and the comic sans that comes with office. I can play the game, but it is only rectangles and doesn't look like it looks in the video. Please help!
Hi there,
have a look at
line 193 function checkForFonts() in layout_invaders.jsx
This is the function that checks for fonts. Make shure all these fonts are installed and activated.
Also you need the files :
- characters.txt
- effects.txt
- highscore.txt
- patterns.txt
- texts.txt
They need to be next to the script.
Hope that helps. If you run into more problems, leave an issue here on github on the original repository or on the project repo here
This brings back memories of playing space invaders back in the early 80s on my Atari 3600. Hat tips to Philipp Geuder.