
Automating InDesign since 2009

Let's Play with JS Array Objects (in ExtendScript)

IdExtenso provides a new ArrayAs2D module that unleashes the hidden strengths of ExtendScript operators. With this toy, you can now write code that adds, multiplies, evaluates 2D points or vectors. For example, if you develop an InDesign script based on Bézier curves or working on polygonal paths, all calculations of points, distances, normalized vectors, etc. become wonderfully compact…

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IndexMatic³ | Hidden Treasures of the ~format Directive

IndexMatic³ Expert for InDesign CC/CS6/CS5/CS4)IndexMatic users have long been faced with the following problem: when the client provides a list of index entries and adds extra information (birthdates, etc), how can the query list be adjusted accordingly? Introduced with iX³, the ~format directive offers an efficient solution…

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Make `&` (almost) Behave as a Reference Operator

Suppose you have an ExtendScript class (I mean, “prototype”) whose methods essentially return new object instances. As an obvious example, consider the concat or slice methods of Array.prototype. They always produce a new array rather than reworking the existing one. There are situations where you want to update the calling object —and make this explicit in the code— while still leveraging the methods already available…

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HurryCover³ | Make Book Covers & Jackets in InDesign

HurryCover³ Advanced for InDesign CC/CS6/CS5/CS4, macOS/WindowsIt’s official! Building a book cover in InDesign will no longer be a geometric nightmare. The new edition of HurryCover is intended to be a definitive answer to the puzzle of complex templates: with or without flaps, with or without wrap, whether you need a hinge margin or a physical spine gap, the template generated by HurryCover³ remains 100% resizable, even if you have already set up the graphic elements of your artwork…

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Indiscripts Temporary Archives [UPDATE]

Some scripts we designed in the past for InDesign CS/CS2/CS3—and even CS4—are no longer available or maintained. But, from time to time we still receive queries for these old files—such as IndexBrutal, IndexMatic, Claquos, Equalizer, HurryCover, BookBarcodeCS3… Here is a special repository dedicated to frustrated users.

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HurryCover³ Quick Tour

InDesignScripts | Clean List Timeline on Twitter/X

Go to InDesignScripts from your Twitter/X account! A clean list focusing on InDesign, scripts and more.

@indiscripts | @indiscripts/lists

Private Investigation into Style Overrides

Myths and facts about text formatting overrides in InDesign…

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Built-In String Features in IdExtenso

If you are one of the happy users of the IdExtenso scripting framework for InDesign, you may have noticed — or overlooked! — that this enhanced version of ExtendScript provides many additional services, including in the primitive areas of the language. For example, any string immediately has functionalities like trim(), codePointAt(), toUTF8(), which aren't available in the root syntax. Let's take a closer look at this toolbox…

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IndexMatic³ | Frequently Asked Questions [UPDATE]

With its hundreds of interconnected features and its documentation erected in front of you like a Gothic cathedral, IndexMatic³ will undoubtedly inspire you with this fateful question: where to start? And we often start with something concrete, a specific problem that needs to be solved right now. The purpose of this page is to guide you quickly and clearly into the inner workings of the program, from the questions most frequently asked to the tech support…

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“Professional Photoshop UXP”

Professional Photoshop UXP, a comprehensive guide to unlocking Photoshop's potential.In the realm of Adobe techs, the underutilization of certain features is a puzzle I've long pondered. My theory revolves around the absence of an omniscient narrator, someone capable of weaving the intricate tales of these technologies into a coherent story. Enter Davide Barranca, a rare expert who, standing at the crossroads of Ps mastery and the technological labyrinth of UXP, extracts and shares the keys we all need to forge ahead. Whether you're immersed in the world of Photoshop or exploring the potential of UXP, Professional Photoshop UXP is the compass you've been seeking…

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Scripting: How to Position InDesign Guides

Now, can you tell what X and Y are?InDesign guides are funny creatures. Whether or not they are assigned to a page via the fitToPage property, they remain firmly anchored to the geometry of the spread they belong to. The most mysterious thing is their location attribute, which does not obey all the principles ordinarily weighing on rulers coordinates. This article explores how to determine correct positions in all scenarios…

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IndexMatic³ | Compatibility Patch for InDesign 2024

Every release of InDesign — even as paltry as version 19 (labeled 2024) — finds a way to break a deep feature that has worked perfectly since the Neolithic era. This time around, Adobe disabled ScriptUI colors for text labels, sabotaging the readability of the IndexMatic³ dialog. A compatibility update is available now…

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What's New in IdExtenso 2.31008

IdExtenso: ExtendScript Framework for InDesign Ninjas

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« Optimiser InDesign pour les documents longs »

Optimiser InDesign pour les documents longs (avec les scripts et le GREP), par Laurent TournierUn nouveau livre-arsenal de Laurent Tournier vient de paraître : Optimiser InDesign pour les documents longs — Avec les scripts et le GREP. Si vous pensiez à une aimable mise en jambes agrémentée de quelques points de doctrine, vous êtes loin du compte ! Le PDF que l'auteur nous a communiqué en primeur recense plus de 200 scripts du monde entier, tous testés en situation, et le même volume de commandes GREP couvrant les problématiques les plus étendues. L'idée était déjà géniale en soi, mais la mise en œuvre, par sa densité et sa précision, fait tomber à la renverse…

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Claquos | Apply the “Buoy” Effect to your Charts

Make your circular chart shine like a buoy!

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Meet Kasyan Servetsky, InDesign Wizard!

At the same time graphic designer, illustrator, prepress expert and scripting guru, Kasyan Servetsky has become one of the most active resource sharers in our microcosm. The InDesign community knows him well (but not enough for my taste!) because of the dozens of great utilities he has created over the past two decades: converters, batch processors, link managers, image resizers, font collectors, and many other gems. Let's step into the lab of this productivity freak…

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How to Create an Index from a Style

Let's create an index from a paragraph style with IndexMatic³.

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InDesign Scripting: Why are Endnotes so Hard to Decipher?

InDesign's endnotes are just text ranges enclosed in U+FEFF markers.

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IndexMatic³ in the Spotlight of CreativePro Magazine

If we judged the value of a magazine by the merit it gives to our work, I could tell you straight away, without further proof, that CreativePro is an excellent magazine! But that's not the real reason why I think so. In his review of IndexMatic³ published this month, Jeff Potter offers a meticulous and thoughtful exploration of what the product does and doesn't do, who it is for, from what perspective and for what purposes…

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